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Bus Rules & Regulations

What should I know about bus rules and behavior?

It is our utmost concern that children travel safely between home and school. Your child will be taught about bus safety in school. Your input is essential in ensuring bus safety. Please discuss with your child the safe and acceptable behavior for waiting at the bus stop and being a bus passenger. Please remind your child of acceptable behavior on the bus or at the bus stop:

  • Remaining seated while the bus is moving

  • Sitting in seats at all times

  • Refraining from any kind of violence

  • Keeping personal property close at all times

  • Allowing other children to ride safely and comfortably

  • Keeping heads or arms in the bus

  • Using proper language

  • Respecting seats, windows or other parts of the bus

  • Following the bus driver's directions

  • Respectfully listening and talking to the bus driver

  • Behaving in a controlled and safe manner

  • Waiting at the proper bus stop

  • Crossing the street within sight of the driver

  • Students may only ride their assigned bus

If your child experiences a problem on the bus, please call Principal's Office at 577-6150 and he will do everything possible to correct the situation.

Should your child fail to follow bus rules and regulations, a bus referral will be submitted to the Principal. Depending on the nature, severity, and frequency of the problem, your child will be subject to consequences, which may include suspension from the bus for up to one week.