School Principal: Mr. Fitzgerald Georges
Principal's Message
Dear Eldorado Families,
I am very excited to be a part of the amazing staff of Eldorado Elementary School!
As principal, my main goal is to ensure that every student is provided the highest quality of education possible in a safe and supportive learning environment. Working together as a team with our amazing staff and parents, I am committed to helping each student achieve their very best. I believe children should learn the academic and social skills necessary to become independent, responsible, life-long learners.
Our staff prides itself on the students’ success and continues to move forward through thoughtful planning, maintenance of effective curriculum, and creation of new programs and powerful partnerships with parents and community members. The more the school and family are joined as partners, the greater our chance for success.
As a parent/guardian, I encourage you to stay active in your child's education. I certainly realize that many of you lead busy lives, and it is often difficult to volunteer at the school. However, taking just a few minutes in the evening to read to your child, talk with your child about school, or simply see that your child is organized for the next school day can have great benefits.
I look forward to working with you and your children. I will always strive to work with you to provide your children with an outstanding beginning to their education.
Thank you for entrusting us with the opportunity to educate your most prized possessions.
Educationally yours,
Fitzgerald Georges