MLA Citation Information
Keys for your Works Cited Page
Remember to do the following after you have created your Works Cited page:
- List citations inABC order.
- Font size should be12.
- Font style should beTimes New Roman.
- Line spacingshould bedouble.
- First lineof your citation should beleft aligned.
- Additional linesshould be indented (this is called a "hanging indent")
- Please,resist the temptation to number or bullet your citations!
MLA Formatting and Style Guide
Free Online MLA Citation Makers
Try one of these free online MLA Citation Makers. I am sure you will like them as much as I do. Just be sure to alphabetize and double space the citations after you paste them into Microsoft Word.
OSLIS MLA Citation Maker for Elementary Students
Landmarks Son of Citation Machine
Citation Creator
This citation creator will automatically fill in required information for you. It does not get easier than this-a real thumbs up!